Monday, February 13, 2017

Schools, Shootings and More

A mere 25 minutes apart two young girls, ages 11 and 12, were shot by random bullets. No the bullets weren't intended for the girls but NOW it matters. It matters because two girls, who are in critical condition, are likely to have the best years taken from them. It matters because they are human beings just like the rest of us. And it matters because they simply would want to live out their lives as best as possible.

And it matters because our charity is working in the inner city of Chicago and we are trying to do our part so that children, like these two girls, have the opportunity to not only escape the violence and poverty they are born into but they can live decent lives and perhaps do something about the blight that they had NO PART in creating.

You've heard this before, from various people, but it needs repeating. Shooting one person is like shooting all of us.
And yes, it's true. Robbing the family of an innocent child is robbing the entire American Family.

And, yes, I'll have more to say about the American Family tomorrow.


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