Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Diminishing School Year

In the ongoing battle to secure dollars for CPS, one thing is a 'no brainer,' the education of the children doesn't really enter the equation. Want proof? The CPS brass is now talking about cutting the end of the school year by 13 days. That's in addition to 4 furlough days that have been set aside earlier in the school year. That means a net loss of education of 17 days or 3 1/2 weeks of school. So tell me what drives the bus!

The district is over $100 million in the red and is facing a $721 million teacher pension payment in June. These financial woes come on the heels of Governor Rauner vetoing a bill in December of 2016 which would have provided $215 million in relief for the pension shortfall.

All of the furlough days would not only result in a loss of pay for the teachers and other staff but, more importantly it means that the instruction the students richly deserve will go begging. Talk about putting the schools, the students, and their families in a bind!!!

Not only does this do a disservice to educating the kids it plays into the hands of those who would have us think that public education in America is in tatters.


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