Thursday, February 9, 2017

My Take - Dept of Education

Seeing to it that every American has an excellent education, no matter ones station in life, is paramount. I've said that on other occasions and nothing has made me change my mind. In fact, as time passes, it is my hope that we can all agree that achieving such an end is worthy and helps everyone.

This means that if a person, for any reason, suffers from the plague of poverty then we see to it that the education they receive is just as good as that of an individual who hasn't had to fight to overcome the obstacles that come without having money. Poverty is just one of the fronts that has to be taken on to help children.

Certainly physical ailments, ones mental condition, where they live, their age and any other individual or environmental factors should stop us from seeing to it that students should receive a top flight public education. If some don't want a public education that is their choice but, we can't afford to leave anyone behind.

That's just what I intend to keep an eye on various institutions to see to it that no one misses the bus.


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