Friday, February 17, 2017

Chicago, Schools and More - Part II

Yesterday I called for taking action to get those who do the peddling of drugs and violence to find a useful place in society by selling cars rather than dope or work in a store rather than on a gang controlled lot or street corner. Yeah, that sounds good but it is 'pie in the sky' in a sense.

So, how to avoid 'pie in the sky' and make this a reality, to insure the safety of our children, our school students. It will take time, money, commitment and effort. Okay, we've heard this before but what does it mean in concrete terms?

To get the gangs and guns off the streets it will take risk takers, those willing to start a business, those willing to give people with a couple of strikes against them the opportunity for a real job. It will necessitate that local leaders; church personnel, community activists as well as civic and govt. institutions step forward to be the ones to find worthwhile jobs and activities for those who are doing harm.

It will take former and current offenders of the law to sit down with one another and all the stakeholders, and others, I mentioned in the previous paragraph to settle problems and disputes. Because, whether it is war between gangs or nation-states, in the end, a war is concluded by a peace treaty.

We have to work towards this end. There are too many children our charity sees almost everyday who, unknowingly, are at risk.


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