Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Who's to Blame - Second Installment

Kids failing, schools not doing well, teachers not making the grade. With so many people weighing in on these allegations it is worth noting that when someone, something fails, there are likely to be multiple causes. Yes, failure can be the fault of a person but in many cases I believe we would find that the causes are many.

That being said let me advance this. The environment that a child lives in and comes from has a real strong effect on success in school. If the home environment is not supportive, if parental guidance is lax or missing, should nutritious food be an issue, if neighborhood safety is a concern then you can be sure a seven year old will find that to be harmful.

Look at it from other side. Many families are affluent, are able to provide wonderful medical to their sons/daughters, have beautiful homes, provide tutoring to their sons/daughters, are there to give a helping hand and more. Do you think these are positive actions that would have a positive on ones performance in school? Sure they are!!!

There are plenty of environmental issues beyond the ones I alluded to but, I am convinced that most people would agree that environmental factors greatly impact the degree of success one achieves in school. That being the case, this is an area that deserves rectifying rather than merely playing some sort of blame game.


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