Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I have a Question

Most people, particularly those in the education field, would readily acknowledge that hard work, dedication, thoroughness, grit, determination and thoughtfulness are some of the top requisites to be an outstanding teacher. No need to put these in some order, they are all critical aspects to providing children with a great learning experience.

There is a movement afoot that wants to evaluate teachers based upon how students score on a standardized test. So here is my question. How does a standardized test score of a student or a group of students measure the attributes mentioned in the previous paragraph? If someone can tell me, I'd be curious to learn just how those teacher qualities can be measured by the outcomes on a standardized test.

Let me offer this...hard work, dedication, thoroughness, grit, determination and thoughtfulness can be observed and aren't necessarily measureable by using any one tool. They are, though, important to the success of teaching and learning and the enterprise of education.


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