Wednesday, March 26, 2014

And They Wonder Why

CPS has an "overall strategy to restructure and streamline its central office" according to CPS spokesman Joel Hood. What Hood is referring to is the fact that the central headquarters is spending $9.5 million on furniture for its move to a new location in the old Sears store.

Parents, teachers, the CTU and others have another thought on this. It is extravagent.

People examine this expense to the fact that 50 schools were closed last year and budgets for individual schools were tightened. Spending on the central office when money is cut that needs to flow to schools makes people wonder what on earth is taking place.

Just listen to Kate Schott Bolduc who said, "Every penny counts. For almost a year now, parents have been asking CPS to cut spending for central office and put the money in the classrooms where it belongs - and to serve students. I think teachers and textbooks need to come before furniture."

No wonder people are scratching their heads.


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