Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Another Glimpse at Failure

The drive to quantify the success or failure of those involved with education based on standardized tests has reached a fever pitch. If kids score low, the thinking goes, then the children, schools and teachers are failing. As simple as that so the 'reformers' say.

We have all gone to school and I believe a fair minded person would say that there is not one determinant that can accurately define that there has been success/failure AND, if so, to determine all the reasons for failure or achieving success.

One of the greatest failures, in my mind, is the fact that we tie too much credibility and support to standardized tests. And why on earth would any sane adult, buy hook line and sinker, the notion that this one particular test is the sole or even major indicator of a child's failure or his/her success.

The failure to recognize the complexity of the education process is a serious shortcoming. And because of this complexity, too many people have sought to circumvent looking at what really determines and measures ones level of success (or failure). Instead, occasional standardized tests take the place of such introspection.

On we go...


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