Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Painting John Hay Elementary

Yes, spring will arrive one of these days. It is always nice to see more daylight and warmer days (they are coming!). What better way to get outside and enjoy the day than by participating in some 'Springtime Sprucing Up' at John Hay Elementary School!!

We will paint some classrooms, washrooms, a faculty lounge and perhaps more on Saturday, March 22nd. We will paint from 8:30 am to roughly 3:00 pm. We will provide all the materials and plenty of drinks. Just bring your energy and passion to paint and help these fine people bring some springtime to the building. John Hay Elementary is located at 1018 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago, IL.

I have plenty of students so now I am in need of some adults who can reach some of the higher areas (it's a wonderful building but old and with high ceilings). Just bring your own lunch and we'll take care of the rest.

Let me know that you can join us by emailing me at rich219@comcast.net.

Many thanks!!

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