Monday, April 1, 2013

This Says it Best

Dear Mr. Flesher,

What a kind and understanding letter, filled with wonderful sentiment for what is happening to us. I so appreciate you taking the time to write. While we are all struggling to deal with the situation that we have been dealt, Mr. Flowers and I continue to try to put the best face on it that we can. Our thoughts are for our students and our staff and how we can best help them in this trying time. We will be working on finishing the year with our heads held high and are working daily to try to keep everyone's moral up and trying to help everyone transition to whatever comes next.

I certainly want to thank you and Schools Count for your support for our school over the past few years. We have been grateful, not only for the material support that has been provided to us, but to the uplifting manner in which it was provided. While teachers (and administrators) often have thankless jobs, it does not take much to keep us going. Having you and your organization visit us each year and watching how hard you all work to help and to see your heartfelt smiles when you visit us provides everyone with such a lift. Just knowing that someone out there cares enough to reach across the boundaries that separate us warms our hearts and raises our spirits.

Thank you again for all your support and concern for us and those we serve. Where ever Mr. Flowers and I land, I hope we find the occasion to work with you and Schools Count again. I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that what you all are doing is making a positive difference!

Thanks again for all that you do!

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