Monday, April 22, 2013

In Their Shoes

Too often I hear people saying that the children and the families we serve just need to work harder or simply 'pick themselves up, dust themselves off' and carry on.  That's pretty darn easy for people to say, especially if you have never experienced deprivation from day 1 of your life.

No, I'm not asking anyone or suggesting that someone foresake what they have in life.  That's not my point by any stretch of the imagination.  What I am asking people to do is to have some empathy for those who go without.

Put another way, put yourselves in their shoes.  Before racing to judgement, imagine what it would be like living in a portion of a city or neighborhood when gunshots are ringing at night.  Imagine trying to raise your son or daughter in such an environment.  Imagine what it must be like to raise a child who is scared of gangs and gunshots.  You just might come to understand their plight.

How easy do you suppose it would be to have two jobs, making close to minimum wage, and living in such poverty, hoping you can someday save enough for clothes and supplies for your kids.  Saving for college?  Really?

All I am saying is doesn't hurt to have some empathy for these people.


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