Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thank you Asean

Leave it to a 9 year-old.  Asean Johnson, a third-grader at Marcus Garvey spoke at the CPS Board of Education meeting yesterday and his words should be a stinging reminder of the fact that some schools slated for closure should be left open.

"Why are you closing Gregory when it has everything you say you want a school to have?" implored Asean.  Asean went so far as to show the CPS an editorial which noted that Garvey already has all the extras that CPS is demanding when schools are closed and consolidated into another neighboring school. 

Garvey has a great library, a computer lab and it even has higher test scores than Mount Vernon, the school which is to accept Garvey students in the fall. 

Perhaps most telling of all, proving that Garvey is doing the job, is the fact that this nine-year old was poised, on point (facts), made sense, dealt directly with the issues, and refuted many of the arguments posed by CPS these past few months.  Asean's presentation, alone, was ample proof, to keep Garvey's doors open next fall.


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