Tuesday, April 9, 2013

13 IS an Unlucky Number

As I think about Congress going back in session, the horrific tragedy in Newtown, CT and our need to keep schools safe by various means (including reasonable gun safety legislation) I am left dazed that 13 United States Senators have commited to filibuster any and all gun safety bills.  What this means is that they won't even allow a debate to take place in the Senate Chamber.

Are you 13 senators serious?  You won't even discuss the issue let alone vote on anything.  Yep, that's exactly what they are doing.

Anytime something as serious as 12,000 deaths per year at the end of a barrel is on the docket then people of all stripes ought at least talk about what can be done to lessen the death toll.  Does anyone else think 12,000 deaths are too many?

This country doesn't need another Columbine High School or Sandy Hook massacre.  What we need are people of courage, moral character and those who have a concern for the safety of their fellow citizens.   I wish those 13 senators could put themselves in the shoes of those families who have lost loved ones.  Perhaps they could bring themselves to talk about the issues and concerns shared by many Americans.


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