Saturday, March 30, 2013

'With Justice for All'

'With liberty and justice for all.'  Yes, those are words from the Pledge of Allegiance.  All of us have spoken these words from the earliest days.  At times, as we grow older, I wonder if the population at large thinks about these words in terms of their application to everyday life for themselves and others.

Quite frankly, I think these words ought to ring true though I see 'justice for all' slipping away for far too many people.  Yes, I believe we are to take care of ourselves but that doesn't mean we can't empathize with and assist others who may well be without the means to advance or simply to care for themselves on a day-to-day basis.

With 61 school closings in Chicago, 1 in 6 children going hungry in the country, the stock market at an all-time high, and the gap between the 'have's' and 'have nots' (check the most recent Pew Research) growing ever wider, it seems clear that the practice of 'with justice for all' is not fully evident in America.

And just what does justice mean?  From the vantage point of our charity, it means that educational opportunities abound, it means that the resources needed to advance in school are fully provided, and it means that where children face an uphill battle our citizens are there to meet the call.

Let's see to it that justice prevails for all Americans.


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