Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Note from Pope

What follows is a note, received yesterday, from Beverly Jordan the Principal at Pope Elementary.  I thought I would share her sentiments in the aftermath of Tuesday's 'Appreciation Dinner.'

Good Afternoon Mr. Flescher!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you again for inviting me to the dinner last night. I truly had a great time mingling with the donors and the other educators; and I am especially grateful again for all of your support and donations to our school through your organization. I have attached a picture of myself and my assistant principal as we opened up the gift box you gave me last night, as we were delighted to receive the much needed uniform tops and the gift cards! On a daily basis, we have to provide uniforms to our most needy students, so these gifts are truly appreciated more than you would ever know. I have also attached some pictures we have taken throughout the year of some of our students as they received their coats.

I also must add that I was almost brought to tears by the comments that you made about our schools and our data and how that information never gets reported to the media. That was very refreshing to hear and for you to make others aware, I am especially appreciative. The most difficult part of being on this hit list of schools to possibly close is the fact that no one really sees or knows about all of the hard work and dedication that we put into our students and schools on a day to day basis. You hit the nail right on the head when you stated that it is not about the numbers but about what we do with the number of students that we have before us, as that is truly our case. Pope School has a high mobility rate, so our students transfer in and out regularly; but in spite of that and many other factors that impact our community, we still manage to help our students to progress to the next level, so whatever level they are on when they come to us, we teach them where they are and work to meet their overall needs.

I could go on and on, but I won't, as I could write a book. I do want to thank you again for your efforts in supporting our students here at Pope. In the best way possible, please let the donors and your board of directors know that Pope School students and staff are truly grateful for all that you have done to help our school community. Your kindness and support will always be appreciated!

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