Sunday, March 24, 2013

Deserving of Some Answers

In light of the CPS school closings, here are some questions that deserve to be answered.
  • Given the closings, how safe will the children be?
  • Why spend big money on the 6 turnarounds when the funds could be better used to resource the children-in-need?
  • How much money is spent on each turnaround?
  • How many great teachers and staff won't be rehired as a result of the closings?
  • Why were some lower performing and underutilized schools (I know of some) spared the axe?
  • How come some of the schools with large Educational Services student populations didn't have this factor taken into account when determining the closings?
  • What will class sizes be like in those schools absorbing higher numbers of incoming students?
  • What is to become of all the empty school facilities?
  • Why are we neglecting whole parts of a city and when will the neglect end?

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