Wednesday, January 30, 2013


* Sadly, smaller Newton tragedies continue to hit American school children each and every day.  Yesterday, Hadiya Pendleton, who last week attended the 2nd inauguaration of President Obama was shot and killed.  As Mary Mitchell so eloquently stated 'when is enough, enough?'  

* CPS has hired an ex-marine, who once sorted out prisoner exchanges in the Kosovo war, to oversee the transfer process of students when schools are shuttered in the fall of 2013.  Pretty obvious this won't be easy.

* A good number of charter school parents and students rallied at Union Station yesterday demanding more funding for charter schools in Chicago.  Everyone who started a charter knew that the funding level was going to be lower than a CPS neighborhood school.  It was only a matter of time that charter organizations demanded financial parity.  Good luck on that one.


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