Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Take on Pension Reform

Don't get me wrong.  The mess pertaining to the underfunding predictament deals with the state government not taking care of matters over the years.  That being said, nothing will solve this crisis unless everyone becomes part of the solution.

The state government, current teachers, business community, unions and retirees will each have to weigh in 'dollarwise' to end the spiraling pension black hole.  I have some fellow retirees who may not like to hear this but, as a retired teacher I am willing to do my part.

As a retired school teacher, I have a good pension.  I get a 3% Cost of Living increment each year.   I am willing, along with the above groups, to do my share to solve the problem.  I would certainly be willing to go without the COLA for a period of four, five or six years as part of the package to solve the pension crisis.  If I have to pay a bit more for my health care when I hit 65 so be it.

Despite those people (and there are a number of them) who got us in this mess, one group, alone, won't get us out of it.  Everyone has to contribute some funds or forego some benefits.


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