Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Simple Question

Given that a good many South Bronx children are facing a situation where the median income of its citizens is $20,000, the unemployment rate is 25% and at least 40% of the people live in poverty, do you suppose that the students growing up in this environment are at a disadvantage?

As the Stephen Ritz video (www.ted.com) portrayed, once the children were resourced, there was a blooming in terms of school attendance and achievement.

The video left me inspired and hopeful.  It also left me pondering other issues and concerns facing South Bronx residents and the students attending the various schools.   Are the students, in many respects, no different than others though they live in a different area and substantially different living conditions?  Aren't the South Bronx just as eager to learn as their counterparts in other parts of America? 

But I was left with but a simple question based on the work of Ritz and his students.  In areas of decline, poverty, and unemployment there are rays of hope.

I am left with one question.   Can't we heed the call? 

Our charity believes we can!!


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