Saturday, January 5, 2013

Much Remains to be Done

It is hard for me to fathom that the destruction rendered on many towns, cities and other eastern communities by Hurricane Sandy is still very much in evidence.  It is even more difficult to comprehend, two months after the storm, why the U.S. House of Representatives has just passed but a paltry $9.7 billion to cover flood insurance claims.  Most experts say that the real aid need is in the neighborhood of $60 to $80 billion.

I have been involved in many scenarios where there have been earthquakes and horrible hurricanes.  I get the fact that there are 'channels' to go through to distribute aid but to see that our Congress has learned few lessons from these recent ravaging storms is pathetic.

As people are trying to get back on their feet, for Congress to wait this long to provide the assistance is simply criminal.  Here's the real kicker, the House doesn't come back to session until January 14th.  Are you kidding me!!!  If a Congressional leader had a home or business on the Jersey shore or lived in the devastated section of Queens, I'll lay you odds there would have been more action by now. 

And to think that 67 House members voted against the $9.7 billion in aid.  That is very sad.


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