Monday, February 20, 2012

Letter to CPS Board of Education

Chicago Board of Education

It is my pleasure to address the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education and those whose work falls under their jurisdiction. As President of the charity, Schools Count Corp., and a strong advocate of CPS, I wish to address those in attendance regarding the matter of ‘turning around’ Tanner Elementary School and the tenure of its Principal, Ms. Carrmilla Young.

As you enter into your deliberation and decisions regarding the school and its resourceful Principal, but one question should prevail. Has the wisdom, strong voice, calm hand and effective leadership of Ms. Young been given sufficient time, in ten short months, to succeed? The answer to the question lies in the said question which, respectfully, should be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer, each board member and anyone else associated with this body who has worked so diligently for a mere ten months. Has the last ten months that you have served given you ample time, with the same dedication displayed by Ms. Young, to demonstrate that you ought to continue in your capacity or be terminated?

I pose this question not as a rhetorical one but one mindful of both the contributions of Ms. Young and those who have served in a diligent manner for such a short duration. The answer seems apparent; the Chief Executive Officer, the board and Ms. Young are deserving of continuing in the capacities you now serve. Thank You!

Dick Flesher

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