Tuesday, November 9, 2010

HC Comes Through!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak to the Hinsdale Central High School Freshman English I Honors classes about helping people and schools in need. It really was a pleasure to see so many students engaged relative to learning about ways in which they can help various charities or non-profits.

I shared stories of our trips to New Orleans schools and our efforts to help rebuild IMN School in Darbonne, Haiti. Aside from the stories we took a look at a number of slides centered around conditions in Haiti. This stimulated lots of discussion and questions.

By the end of the day a surprise awaited me! Lauren Otahal, one of the Frosh English I Honors teachers, presented me with a $320 check. Lauren's four classes had been donating money over the past couple of weeks in order to help Schools Count Corp. Each time candy was purchased the students would donate some funds.

Needless to say I was flattered that the students would consider SCC and that they were able to generate this amount of money. I am truly grateful for the donation. I asked the students if I could use the money to buy coats for Curtis Elementary School in Chicago. They thought this was a wonderful idea. Within the next week or so I will buy the winter coats and deliver them to Curtis.

Thanks HC!

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