Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Arresting Cholera in Haiti

I have tried to check various news sources, and some direct contacts in Haiti, to get a sense of what is happening with the cholera outbreak. The good news is that it seems, for the time being, that the disease is not spreading and that the number of people affected is not growing. All that being said, people can carry cholera for days without knowing it and, in the meantime, they could inadvertly spread it. Let's hope not.

Relative to IMN School in Darbonne, Haiti, the region where we helped to rebuild the school, the news is even better. John Engle of Haiti Partners, who was on the scene late last week, reports no cases of cholera...thank goodness. He also had the sense that the probability of its spread may be diminishing. This is again good news.

Having traveled to Haiti this past spring I got a sense of the degree unclean (unsafe) drinking water. Quite simply, it is staggering. Where there are water holes, filth is everywhere. The main river in Haiti is polluted beyond belief. People do their wash in this river, bathe, and get drinking water. Among all the staggering issues haunting this island nation few problems are as paramount as obtaining clean water.

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