Thursday, January 20, 2022

Willing to Bet

 While still teaching in 2003 I decided I wanted to hear from students.    It was a wide ranging survery where I contacted 1,052 students at a variety of grade levels in 7 states.   Student and teacher names were withheld and I had a high degree of certainty that I was getting some valuable feedback.  I found the results instructive and I wish I could give the same survery to the very same students today.

I hit them on a number of topics and issues.   I asked them how they best learned, their overall concerns, their interests, and what courses most liked and disliked.   The survey asked them to rate the value of teachers, projects, styles of teaching and the importance of computers.

By far, when it came to rating of how students best learned and the value of the various resources/tools, students overwhelmingly said that a good teacher was the most important element in their learning.    Some 72% of students said that the teacher was most vital to their learning.

You know what?    I'd be willing to venture that the results would hold true for the most part in 2022!!

Thanks, Dick

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