Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door - ALEC

 There are plenty of wolves at the nation's schoolhouse doors.   I've mentioned a few names of individuals.  One organization, ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) is but another wolf in my view.  And that wolf is powerful in many elements and aspects of American society including education.

ALEC has pushed something called an "Alternative Certification Act."   In essence this idea, which has turned into legislative action in some states, says that no teaching degree is required to become a teacher.  Versions of this bill have been introduced in Michigan (home state of former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos), New Mexico, Wisconsin, West Virginia and Kansas.

Has this taken hold you might ask?   Well, yes!  For example, between 2015 and 2018, the number of licenses the Arizona Department of Education issued to untrained teachers soared by more than 400%.

What strikes me most and bothers me most is the idea being perpetuated that 'anyone can teach.'   Well, to all those who praise this mantra...have at it!!!


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