Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Downturn in Teacher Wages

The Economic Policy Institute, in my view, does its homework. They do great research and are most thorough. Just last week the EPI came out with an 18 page report that should be a real eye opener for all of us.

Among other things the EPI has studied what has happened to the pay of public school teachers between 1994 to 2017. That's a pretty extensive period of time. The study reveals that teacher pay during that period of time has gone down while adjusting for inflation.

Between 1996 to 2017 average weekly wages of public school teachers, nationwide, decreased $27 per week. At the same time weekly wages of other college graduates grew by $137 per week.

I bring this one point up for numerous reasons; first, it stands in stark contrast to the added responsibilities facing teachers; second, it can be another reason why fewer people join the teacher ranks and those in the classroom decide to leave; third, it is a real slap in the face given the fact that many state legislatures have more money during the past few years but are making cuts to public education.

In fact, the EPI report is none to reassuring.


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