Tuesday, September 25, 2018

CPS Heading to College

Not only are more CPS students graduating from high school these days but many more are heading off to college. In just one short decade the rate of students attending a 2 or 4-year college ticked upward in a dramatic fashion. In 2006 just 50% of all CPS students went on to attend a college/university. By 2015 the percentage of students going on to college had shot up to 63%.

Don't get me wrong on the surface this is great news. Here's my hope...I hope these students are able to find a calling (occupation) once they have received their degree. It would be a shame to have a degree only to find that they are left behind.

In fact starting college isn't the point finishing is. The Chicago Tribune reported that the just 18% of the freshmen class in 2016 had completed a four year degree. So starting college is one positive, not completing ones studies is another important topic of conversation.

But for now getting more CPS graduates into college is a positive sign.


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