Wednesday, September 19, 2018

A bit of Followup on KICK

Yesterday I made mention of the fact that our HC Varsity Soccer KICK team members had a successful event on Sunday. As of today, they have already raised well in excess of $10,000 and more is to come!!! This is a significant amount of money and these funds do so very much to help the thousands of children we annually serve.

When I hear people too often complain about young people - which seems to occur generation after generation - I wonder if it is up to us with a bit more experience and background to help them along. Perhaps those of us who have aged a bit (notice I didn't see we are old!) who are the ones who have let them down or not provided enough guidance.

At any rate, these boys; Ryan Counts, Marcus Gruvberger, Kosta Kinnas, John Paul Ltief and Gavin Schwarz have done much to benefit Schools Count.


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