Monday, August 28, 2017

Poverty and Teaching - Day 6

It is indeed an unfortunate situation but poverty can find its ways into schools and, in turn, impact the learning of children. I've already mentioned the fact that low property values lead to low tax collection. That being the case, an impoverished community isn't able to fix, repair or upgrade facilities to the extend needed.

In practical terms this means lead paint may be remaining years after it ought to be removed. Asbestos may well be lurking in some tile that should have long ago been hauled out of the building. Lead in pipes leading to drinking fountains...another issue. Old chalkboards that need to be replaced with whiteboards...another problem. Some schools in impoverished buildings (I've seen them) have unsafe conditions. Other parts of the building may find too little space for certain types of instruction. I'm sure schools that have been neglected don't have the proper access for wheelchairs and other types of physical needs of certain students.

On another level, schools suffering from poverty may lack the proper instructional and student/teacher supplies to fully and adequately meet the learning needs of the students.

The list goes on. As you look at these shortcomings, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that the children will suffer as a result of such circumstances. It's a shame as no student should be denied the access to a terrific education. Poverty within a community or school shouldn't hold anyone back.


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