Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Help is Help

It doesn't matter the amount of money, the materials donated or the hours of service to help those in need. Whatever one can do to render a helping hand or a shoulder...well, it's all good. Kindness and decency always prevail, always serve the common good and speak to our better angels.

As Neil Steinberg put it in todays Chicago Sun Times..."Either you sympathize with people, or you do not." This is that time when sympathizing and helping our fellow Americans is critical.

If you can help our charity, I'd be most appreciative. To donate go to and click 'donate.' To do it the old fashion way you can send a check to Dick Flesher, 9550 140th Court, #112, Orland Park, IL 60462. Kindly make the check payable to Schools Count Corp. and write 'Texas' in the memo section of the check.

Thank you!!

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