Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Have a Great Year!

It's not much of a choice. I could have blogged about the ongoing state budget battle in Springfield over school funding or to welcome teachers back to the classroom. Obviously I've opted for the more positive message!

As you head back to the classroom in the next few days to welcome students back to another year of excitement and challenge I wanted to take a bit of time to wish you the very best this year. Yours is a calling and an opportunity to afford the students of your wit and your desire to help them grow. And make no mistake about it, that's exactly what you do.

I know that there are always some roadblocks along the way but don't let that deter you. I know that each of you wants to develop those crucial relationships which connects you to each student. Your guidance, wisdom, intellect, patience and tolerance will embolden all in the classroom.

Thank you for your steadfast desire to go to the classroom each and every day, knowing that students are all the better for your service.


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