Monday, March 20, 2017

Mulvaney is Wrong

Mick Mulvaney, the head of the Office of Manangement and Budget proclaimed last week that the federal government is eliminating the 21st Century Community Learning Centers which help 1,600,000 children with before and after-school programs. Actually Mr. Mulvaney is wrong but I'll let you, first, examine his actual quote.

"They're supposed to be educational programs right? Guess what? There's no demonstrable evidence they're acutally doing that. There's no demonstrable evidence they're actually helping results, they're helping kids do better in school." I guess that Mr. Mulvaney didn't bother to look at the Afterschool Alliance ( or the Global Family Research Project ( prior to making is false claim.

This is simply a callous statement and one that isn't based on the data. It would be one thing if he actually could prove his case. pr Aside from his inability to back up his allegation, it's just as bad that Mr. Mulvaney seemed to have little compassion for the children and their families when he made his pronouncement.


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