Friday, March 17, 2017

It Matters

As further program cuts hit the Department of Education I have had a number of people not only lament the cuts but they have also said that writing Secretary DeVos or the Ranking Members of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce does little good. I don't have any data that making phone calls or letter writing actually changes ones view or opinion on various issues. I just don't.

But I don know the following; our voices of concern must be heard, our leaders need to understand that a 14% cut is something that will hurt children, and that it is not okay to harm an institution so embedded in our way of life. I DO understand that putting pressure on people does work in many instances. Let's be honest, we have all succumbed to or felt the pressure to do or not do something.

Since public education does matter in our society then speaking up to preserve and advance learning is essential. Of that I am certain.


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