Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Dept. of Education Report - Astounding!!

Yesterday I shared with you the exact quote of Mick Mulvaney, Head of the Office of Management and Budget, who proclaimed last week, when presenting the federal budget, that the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (over 9,500 nationwide in all 50 states) were to be eliminated. Mulvaney said, there is "no demonstrable evidence they're actually working."

Well, Mr. Mulvaney is wrong. I went to the website for the Department of Education, the agency overseeing the 21st Century Community Learning program, and read the Executive Summary for the most recent year on record, 2013-14, regarding the program. Let me share the results, in part, of the report.

Because of the program there was an improvement in math grades of 36.5%, a gain of 36.8% in English grades and a 49.4% improvement in homework completion. By the way, scores on state tests also indicated improvement as a result of the CCLC. I'm not fabricating or adjusting any figures...I'm simply reporting what the Dept. of Ed. has reported.

I have a number of questions and I'll get to some of them tomorrow, and the in the coming days, but here is my primary question that I'd like to have Mr. Mulvaney answer, particularly to these low income areas served by the CCLC. Did Mr. Mulavaney bother to seek this information either from the pdf I've referenced or from Education Secretary DeVos? If so, he should have come to a different conclusion.


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