Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Don't Let it Happen

My apologies for not personalizing this note as I'd prefer, so given that disclaimer, I'll do my best.

It has been my pleasure to have been a teacher for 33 years, another three as a substitute and nearly 12 years working with many of you through Schools Count Corp. I'm writing because I am alarmed at two pieces of pending federal legislation that have been introduced in the U. S. House of Representatives. HR 610 would introduce vouchers to all types of elementary and schools types of schools (yes public school funding would be impacted). It is awaiting action in the Committee on Education and the Workforce. HR 899 would terminate the Department of Education (yes, that includes many extraordinarily successful title programs) on December 31, 2018. As of this morning the bill is not yet in committee.

I'm not only alarmed by these pieces of legislation I am disgusted that they have seen the light of day. There's been too much progress with education in this country not to forge ahead. Eliminating Title I for those who are in poverty would be a travesty. And Title IX...look at the progress in terms of providing equity to all in terms of full participation in all types of activities/athletics and the like. These are but a few provisions, among many, that must not be struck down.

We should not stand for these two pieces of legislation to even make it to the floor of the House or Senate. I am asking you to take a minute, should you so feel inclined, to send me a note that I will get to House majority and minority leadership in the Committee on Education and the Workforce. I'll also send copies to Secretary DeVos. Simply email me the note, it can be brief, at rich219@comcast.net. Kindly sign the note if you would please. I'd like these no later than this Thursday, March 9th. Many thanks!


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