Friday, November 7, 2014

What's REALLY Changed?

What has really changed in education in the past 30, 40, 50 years? No, this is not meant to be a rhetorical question. Put another way, are teachers less well trained and less effective than many years ago? Are students really getting less of an education than in the past? Are unions performing any differently than years past?

The answer to all of the above questions is a resounding NO!!!

What HAS changed are many things. We ask teachers to do much more in teaching the whole child. Schools are asked to deal with all of the issues which affect a child's education and life. More standardized tests exist. There are enhanced expectations of the American education system. Governments, at all levels, are more a of driving force for change than the education experts.
The social, behavioral and economic concerns of the population are thrust upon schools and educators. The family structure, in some areas, has seen changes, sadly, which have great implications for learning.

I am convinced that these changes have altered our view of the education landscape and that what teachers and schools do each day has not changed for the worse but; in fact, has shown dramatic improvement.


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