Thursday, November 20, 2014

Two Stories in One

Today's Chicago Sun Times ran a story entitled, "Report: State Struggling to teach poor kids." There are certainly plenty of reasons why children from impoverished families and portions of the state have a tough time in terms of learning. This blog and other researchers have commented on this at length.

One of the disheartening aspects of the report centers on the extent of poverty in Illinois. Sadly, more than half of ALL students in Illinois are classified as low income. At the same time, state funding for education has been dwindling. To say the least, these are not good trend.

The great story in the article got buried in the final two paragraphs of the article. CPS, where some 80% of the students are low income, saw gains in math and reading that far outpaced those of students state-wide. Yep, that little piece of information got buried. Oh well...

To the kids and staff in those CPS schools, well done my friends, well done!!!


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