Sunday, January 8, 2012

Race to the Top or Not

The Sunday edititon of the Chicago Tribune carried a significant editorial regarding the Department of Education's 'Race to the Top.' Sadly, according to the report, most of the states have not come close to meeting the performance expectations.

What does that mean? It means that the $4 billion awarded to the various states is not being put to good use. Why? Well, there are all sorts of reasons. In Rhode Island, a municipal bankruptcy in one community and a change in school and political leaders in another have stalled plans to turn around failing schools.

Florida failed to meet its overly optimistic target dates to hire contractors to create student data systems. Hawaii, another winner of 'Race to the Top' funds wants to delay most major elements of its plan.

All this means that the extensive funds aren't getting the job done.

The very idea of a 'Race to the Top' likely got many states to make HUGE promises in order to be selected as recipients of the funds. I don't like the idea of states competing for funds by seeing who can come up with the most daring manner of collecting the money.

From my vantage point, need, and need alone, is the reason for providing funds to various schools. Right now it appears as though the 'Race to the Top' might not actually deliver.


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