Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Part II - CPS Lengthened Day

The longer school day going into effect next year is likely to provide many benefits to the children in the Chicago Public Schools. I'm certain that the added instruction will prove to be beneficial.

Let's hope that the driving force for a longer school day isn't raising test scores. To some, this may be the best way to track progress but that doesn't equate to receiving a well rounded education!

The extra 90 to 140 minutes could well be spent by providing students with art and music instruction. Right now the students within the CPS system receive minimal time in these courses. The point is this...if the vast majority of the expanded school day is used to augment reading and math then the whole child's development will be denied.

The benefits of a well rounded curriculum are well known. If such an education is appropriate for the vast majority of communities in America, with the proper resources, then they are necessary for the students of the Chicago Public Schools.


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