Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Work of Schools Count

As many of you know Schools Count provides various supplies and materials to students in various locations in the United States. Whether suffering from the effects of a flood, earthquake or poverty, we want to help students continue their studies by providing basic learning materials that they otherwise would very likely go without.

What you may not know is that there is a rhyme and reason to how we select schools. We use many factors in determining who to assist. We look at which schools have been the most neglected, have the greatest needs and which demonstrate real signs of hard work to overcome a variety of obstacles.

We take great care to assess who will use what we provide in a wise and prudent manner. To the best of our ability, by talking to school leaders, we try to get a sense of who will be a good school to partner with.

Beyond these and other factors, as we go forward in our work in the Chicago Public School system, we also want to serve entire neighborhoods. For example, last year we helped Curtis Elementary on the southside of the city. This coming year we will aid other schools which are nearby. These include West Pullman, Lavizzo and Songhai.

Only by saturating an entire region can we hope to effect the greatest number of children who have a need for our supplies. To assist just one school, while ignoring others, would be an injustice to deserving youngsters. Moving ahead, in the years to come, we hope to be able to help more and more city neighborhoods.

Because of you, we are able to reach out to more and more schools this year. Your willingness to help us serve those who just want a chance at the American Dream is most appreciated!

Many thanks,

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