Sunday, March 6, 2011

More on Class Size

Yesterday, as you may recall, I had some negative things to say about the Time magazine article that said class size didn't matter if a poor teacher was in the classroom. My warning for readers was to not generalize a need for larger class sizes.

Here's a bit more on class size. It matters, has always mattered, and it matters in 2011. Here's why. We have more students, in many classes, who have to have adaptations made in the curriculum they receive. It is often mandated by law.

Yes, a class in Geometry may have an Austistic student and two Educational Services students who have severe learning disabilities. Do you think provisions have to be made, right there on the spot, for them while the teacher attends to 25 other students. Of course!!!

By the way, if you are a parent and want your child to get individual attention to do suppose they are going to get it in a class of 43 Chemistry students or a class of 50 Advanced Placement U. S. History students? On the surface, it's a silly question because we all know how you will answer that question. No way! Why?...well, you want your student to receive personal attention that's why.

Large class sizes are harmful to all students. By the way, let's not worry so much about a poorer teacher. A great teacher will also suffer with huge numbers in his or her classes. Let's find ways to help students and teachers, alike, a way that doesn't include increasing class sizes.

Many thanks,

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