Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Helping Hands Wristbands

Schools Count Corp is making a concerted effort to raise $10,000 to aid in the reconstruction of Institute Mixte Nao in Haiti.  School is back in session and part of the building has been reconstituted but more construction remains to be done in the coming weeks.

In order to meet our goal of raising $10,000, Schools Count is engaged in a number of activities to raise the needed cash. 

To aid this effort you can get your very own wristband that is red and blue like the Haitian flag.  The red part of the wristband says "Hands Helping Haiti" and the blue portion has the Schools Count Corp. website.  By the way, the blue portion of the flag represents the colored population and that with an African connection while the red part of the flag signifies the multi ethnic composition of the country.

To get your own wristband, for a mere $2, simply contact me at rich219@comcast.net and I'll get it in the mail today!  Don't wait, join the cause!

Thanks for your support!
Dick Flesher

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