Wednesday, March 13, 2019

More on the Teacher Shortage

Not only are a vast majority of Illinois schools experiencing some level of teacher shortages as I mentioned yesterday but the problem continues to exacerbate to the point where students are affected. Schools are reporting that they are dropping courses and putting more students in classes. Why? Well, if you can't find a teacher(s) then you, as the expression goes, 'make do.'

Just how serious is the shortage according to the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents? Out of the schools who reported (527 out of 858 district superintendents) there were 1,032 vacant positions! Imagine what this total would have been if all 858 superintendents had responded to the survey.

To add to the woes, 32% of reporting districts said that the shortage is "serious."

The teacher shortages are most pronounced in the southern and central portions of the state. Make no mistake about it, the teacher shortfall is being felt in both Chicago and the suburbs.

Stay tuned,

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