Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Core, Elective No More

When I set out on my teaching journey many decades ago I never thought I would see the day, today, when Shop was eliminated and departments such as FACS, Art, Tech and Business - to name some - would be half the size of their former selves. Mind you that was a time that the school had a smaller school population than is now the case.

This 'hell bent' move to be so arrogant to proclaim some courses as 'core' and others as 'electives' is harmful and unwarranted.

Who on earth got to decide that certain curriculum is core and other curriculum aren't core? Tell a student who intensely studies Psychology that this isn't a core course. Likewise, someone who wants to be a mechanic and loves to work on vehicles or to experiment with a hands on approach...are you telling that young lady or man that this isn't essential?

Yet many in America claim that students lack common sense; that they can't balance their checking account, aren't able to prepare meals, don't know how to run the washer/dryer, are lost when it comes to changing a tire or perform all sorts of other every day activities/functions.

Those in education need to say no more, it isn't all about the core!!!


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