Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Take Stock

I taught with some remarkable educators both in the department and in other disciplines. We learned from each other and sought to make adjustments to content and an overall course without being TOLD or INSTRUCTED to do so. How could that come about with the 'powers on high' dictating what to do or how to act?

Actually this was quite easy and organic. The students always let you know. No, not necessarily by some assessment. Our interactions with students, day to day, always gave us the feedback we needed in our teaching. You had to pay attention to that feedback if you really cared about making your course relevant.

Here's but one other manner where teachers constantly updated, altered and improved curriculum. You find a great teacher and they are always learning; listening to others, reading books and journals, and sharing materials. This went on throughout ones career, it wasn't some summer project or a particular book that moved the needle.

If a school administration and district administration wants to see improvement in any area of course offerings they ought to listen and learn - just as teachers have to - from those who are constantly engaged with the students. Change doesn't have to come down 'from on high.'


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