Friday, February 15, 2019

Distinct Needs

Public schools are by their nature relationship focused for pretty obvious reasons. Their existence extends into perpetuity and they are student focused and by extension that should be the case all the way through the system.

The vast majority of public schools are not for profit. Private enterprise firms are profit driven and that ought to be enough to tell anyone that the manner of running each is and ought to be quite different. Imposing a hierarchical 'business model' into public schools is not welcome and I have witnessed the move in this direction and for one I'm none too impressed or pleased.

In short, the 'business model' has tended to create an impersonal environment in schools. And one of the major causes of the impersonal nature is the wall that tends to be built up by 'the powers that be' and those students and faculty in the building. I'm not sure there is the intention of creating this chasm but it nonetheless exists.

Another death blow that often surfaces from the 'top down' model is the imposition, often without collaboration (remember from yesterday's blog) of various orders and charges to implement a program.

Here's my plea...Please leave the business model in the corporate board room.


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