Friday, February 22, 2019

Can this be Altered?

Over recent years the middle income levels are disappearing in the south and west sides of Chicago. They have been largely replaced by those earning low incomes. The reasons are many and most are obvious. Many factories are shuttered and the jobs are relocated to the South or overseas. The infrastructure of the south and west side communities has often been ignored.

It's all well and good that we have come to grips with the fact that there is enormous blight in many parts of the city. But like any other problem or concern the question remains...what, if anything, can/will be done about this?

I have all sorts of ideas but one overriding thought seems, to me, to be the starting point. This can't be a one person solution or a single ward solution. It will take the new mayor, all of City Council, every member of the various neighbors, banks, community organizers, civic organizations, church leaders and others to tackle this. Buy-in at the outset by all parties is a must. Without it, the middle class in Chicago will be completely lost for all practical purposes.


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