Friday, April 6, 2018

Money Shortfall for Janitors

I happened to work at a suburban school where money wasn't a problem for the most part. I had a terrific salary, access to plenty of needed supplies and the school was well resourced in other regards. Why do I mention this experience? It's proof positive that the troubles facing states where there are 'walkouts' are real and that money matters.

Today's Chicago Sun Times ran a story on the possibility of janitors in the CPS system 'walking off' the job in the coming days. Too few janitors, staff cuts and cleaning supplies lacking. The reason is essentially the same as WV, OK and KY and it's the alternative to where I worked for so many years. There simply is a dearth of money for any of many reasons.

Whether its the CPS system or the states I alluded to in the previous paragraph, money matters. It begs one to ask the question...what will be done?


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