Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Democracy in CPS

I've always been a big proponent of an elected School Board for CPS. That isn't the case right now. The Mayor gets to make that nod concerning who serves though the state legislators could approve an elected board. Right now that's not even on the back burner. But there is another important role for democracy in the neighborhood schools of Chicago.

Tomorrow elections will be held for Local School Council (LSC) members. These members serve within their own school boundaries and though their power has diminished over time they are an important vehicle to the parents of each school. Some CPS schools have contested elections while a good many can't find enough people willing to run let alone serve.

As one might expect, the effectiveness of the LSC's varies greatly. I do know that the LSC of Pickard Elementary is a positive, powerful and highly effective LSC. It's members are active in terms of providing resources to the children as well as working closely with the school staff. Pickard is a school that has been on the rise and it is due, in no small part, to the great efforts made by the LSC.

LSC's have an important voice in a good many schools and they will be effective only as long as the constituents participate in the process.

Get out and vote, get out and get engaged. It's your school, it's your community, and it's the future of our children.


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