Thursday, March 15, 2018

Some Sincere Students

I have been witness to past student demonstrations/protests/calls to action over the years. One of the distinguishing features of the student demonstrations yesterday, one month to the day of the Parkland shooting deaths of 17 innocents, was the fact that it was a solemn and respectful day of remembrance and call to action.

Sometimes large protests can turn into a free for all or that there is simply a loss of focus. That can't be said of yesterday's student actions. From Maine to Florida and from Washington, DC to California, the images were the same. Students took 17 minutes to remember those children who have succumbed to school shootings and they did so in a variety of ways.

Some were silent for 17 minutes, others read the names of those lost, still others wrote cards of letters calling for gun reform. There actions were sensible, thoughtful and done in a positive fashion. It would be nice to have our government officials act in the same manner.


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